If you sustained several injuries after a recent motor vehicle accident, you may have trouble identifying them all. You think you could have a concussion, but how do you rule out other possibilities, ones unrelated to the collision?
Mayo Clinic explains how medical professionals diagnose concussions. Understand which examinations and medical technology you and your doctor should consider using to build your legal case.
Cognitive test
You may complete several neurological tests that gauge your cognitive skills. Specifically, your physician may evaluate your ability to remember details, your memory and your ability to focus.
Detailed questions
Doctors often ask patients with head injuries about the circumstances of the injury, their symptoms and their medical history. Because signs of a concussion may not appear for several days after the car accident, keep a close eye on yourself, or ask someone to watch over you for a few days.
Neurological tests
Neurological examination for head injuries evaluates your hearing, sight, balance and strength. Medical professionals may test your ability to feel sensations, your reflexes and your coordination.
Imaging tests
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may need to take brain imaging tests. By getting a picture of your brain, your doctor better determines the extent of your concussion and if you sustained brain swelling or bleeding.
Computerized tomography scans use X-rays to take detailed images of the brain. You may also undergo an MRI, which pinpoints alterations in your brain and identifies complications if you have a concussion.
By determining what harm to attribute to the motor vehicle accident, you understand which approach to take with your legal case. Being well-informed helps you secure the compensation you deserve and need.